Saturday, April 2, 2011


mut-ton-head (mtn-hd)

1. A very stupid person.
Some muttonhead, who is friends with my daughter, vomited off of the top of the stairs last night into the patio of the cafe below, leaving me with a huge sense of remorse and embarrassment. He said: "This is why I hate drinking," but I somehow suspect this won't be the last time he drinks. Stupid muttonhead!

Synonyms: ass, blockhead, bonehead, cretin, Daniel, dimwit, dork, dumbbell, dunce, fool, ignoramus, imbecile, jerk, misologist, moron, nincompoop, nitwit, pinhead.

* Daniel isn't stupid when he's sober, but he must stop drinking - at least before finding his way to my apartment.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, someone was so inspired by this post that they've written a song called: "Daniel is a Muttonhead."
