Tuesday, August 2, 2011


bi-far-i-ous (bye-FAIR-ee-us)

1. Two-fold or double.
In parting, I found his attitude toward me bifarious. On the one hand, he was sad to see me leaving, so much so that he would almost break down into tears. On the other hand, my leaving seemed like such an imposition, such a burden to him, that he would lash out in sudden fits of anger. In truth, I currently feel hostage to his bifarious manner and my leaving tomorrow is a great consolation to me.
2. Ambiguous.
I want to go back to my favorite dress shop before and buy all of my favorite things in green because green is the most bifarious colour; it can be earthy or jealous, greedy or full of life. I'm not sure if Kermit was right about how easy it is being green because I would wear it all the time.
3. In two rows on either side of.
Kermit blends in with the bifarious leaves.

Synonyms: ambiguous, bifold, binary, binate, coupled, double, dual, dualistic, duple, duplex, duplicate, duplicated, geminate, paired, repeated, second, twice, twin, two times, twofold.

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