Tuesday, September 6, 2011


de-fen-es-tra-tion (dēˌfenəˈstrāSHən)

1. The act of throwing someone or something out the window.
This was the favorite word of someone I met today. The funniest defenestration story that I've heard lately was about a guy at a party on the eighth floor of a building. He sat next to a window to have a cigarette when an animal hopped into his lap. Upon second glance, he realized it was a skunk, screamed and tossed it out the window. Everyone, who has listened to this story, has said that the hosts of the party should have have warned their guests about this unusual pet.

Synonyms: throw out the window.

1. The act of completely removing Microsoft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS (typically Linux).
I've f**king had it with this computer. It's time for a defenestration.

Synonyms: throw out the windows.

* Defenestration would also be a good name for this Violent Femmes song.

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