Thursday, May 5, 2011


flub (flŭb)

1. To undeniably screw something up.
The intern at Fox News, who flubbed the banner line on this news report, is going to be looking for a new job soon.

Synonyms: addle, blunder, botch, bungle, confound, err, fail, goof, jumble, lapse, mistake, misconstrue, misinterpret, misjudge, mistake, miss, slip.

1. The act or instance of such a colossal error.
The most embarrassing flub of the US media this year has been a Fox News banner line that read: "Obama bin Laden Dead."

Synonyms: aberration, befuddled, blooper, blunder, boo-boo, bungle, damn you auto correct, erratum, error, faux pas, gaffe, inaccuracy, lapse, miscalculation, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misstep, misprint, muddle, oops!, oversight, slip, slip up, snafu, solecism, trip, typo, typographical error, woopsy daisy.

* See Jenny Owen Youngs for more on relationships and flubbing up.


  1. Fox News is the work of the Unholy! I wouldn't doubt if that was intentional to strike a few nerves being they are so pro moronizim of the Bush era.

    They are the evil scourge, shockjock classless, booya good for nothing meatheads,, piles of stinking rotting faeces.

    If it wasn't for the Simpsons and Family Guy Faux News would have been buried in a deep hole of fire and brimstone and maybe a few tires..

    AHHHHH The stupid It Burns It BURRRRNNNSSSSS

  2. It turns out, the guy in that picture actually fubbed up and said: "President Obama is dead. I'm sorry... Osama bin Laden is dead." I just watched the video here: Not that Hollywood Reporter is a reliable source, just saying...
