Tuesday, July 12, 2011


ax-i-o-mat-ic (ks--mtk) also ax-i-o-mat-ic-al (--kl)

1. Derived from common knowledge.
So much about raising a child is axiomatic. I grew up in the era of no-swimming-after-eating; and raised my daughter in the era of Barbies-are-like-pornographic-sex-toys-that-will-give-your-daughter-an-eating-disorder.
2. Evident without proof or argument.
There are several things I believe are axiomatic: love, justice, humility, mercy, forgiveness, and hope. These qualities have no equal in the animal kingdom, they hint at more than biological processes, they are beyond simplistic facts or emotions, and the fact that they even exist seems mystical. - Husband of one, father of four.

Synonyms: absolute, accepted, aphoristic, apothegmatic, assumed, certain, fundamental, given, indubitable, manifest, obvious, presupposed, proverbial, self-evident, unquestioned.

* This word has always sounded a little like the automatic weapon of an axe murderer.

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